GeneDx ultraRapid Genome Sequencing enables a faster diagnosis, providing the opportunity to shorten NICU stays. More details coming soon.
Infants with genetic disorders often experience a higher risk of mortality, increased resource utilization, and prolonged hospital stays.2,3 For critically ill infants, rapid genome sequencing can enable an early and precise diagnosis, transforming patient care and improving outcomes.
Rapid genome is the most powerful diagnostic tool for quickly uncovering a genetic condition in infants.
2x more effective at uncovering genetic conditions than multigene panels4
90% of diagnoses made by rapid genome sequencing would not have been predicted by clinical features alone5
GenomeXpress®, the GeneDx rapid genome test, provides results within 5 days*, which allows for even more timely diagnoses and treatment.
*Turnaround times are estimates and begin once the sample(s) begin processing at the GeneDx lab and could be extended in situations outside GeneDx’s control.
†Case study is based on GeneDx patient testing, with all identifying information removed.