Learn how exome sequencing helped Carlotta and her family reach a diagnosis.

The first step is talking with your doctor

Speak with your pediatrician, specialist, or a geneticist today about exome testing. They can place the order for you and guide you through the results. If you’re ready for answers, it’s time to talk to your doctor about exome testing.

How exome testing works

On the journey to finding a genetic cause for your/your child’s health concerns, providers might order tests like chromosomal microarray or single-gene tests first. The problem? Not all genetic tests are created equal.

These genetic tests are focused and limited in what they can find, while exome testing is broad and looks at over 20,000 genes.

This comprehensive view can help:

  • increase the chances of finding an answer in a shorter time
  • potentially unlock more effective treatment options

Even if you/your child already received negative results from a more limited genetic test or were diagnosed based on clinical symptoms, exome testing could unlock answers and provide a definitive diagnosis.

In fact, research shows that nearly 1 in 4 patients diagnosed via exome testing would not have received a diagnosis with a more limited genetic test.1

Exome has made a difference for so many families.
Is yours next?

Sharing your story can make a positive and lasting impact, serving as a beacon of support and inspiration for other patients and families.



Many commercial payers have coverage for exome testing when criteria are met.2

A blood sample or cheek swab is all it takes. If possible, samples from both biological parents (in addition to the patient) can increase the chance that we find an answer.

At GeneDx, we firmly believe that everyone deserves access to vital insights from genetic testing, regardless of their financial situation. We offer a robust Financial Assistance Program to help reduce the potential out-of-pocket costs associated with testing.

Test results are typically sent to your ordering provider within 6 weeks of our lab receiving the blood or cheek swab sample. We also offer rapid testing options, which can deliver verbal results in as little as 7 days.

Turnaround times are estimates and begin once the sample(s) begin processing at the GeneDx lab and could be extended in situations outside GeneDx’s control.

  1. Dillon OJ, Lunke S, Stark Z, et al. Exome sequencing has higher diagnostic yield compared to simulated disease-specific panels in children with suspected monogenic disorders. Eur J Hum Genet. 2018 May;26(5):644-651. doi: 10.1038/s41431-018-0099-1.
  2. Internal review of ~100  commercial payer targets who represent >93% of commercially insured lives in US. Based on covered life data from DRG database accessed on September 13, 2022.